1.1 Identify the problem we are trying to solve using AI (e.g., user segmentation, improving customer service)
1.2 Classify the problem (e.g., regression, unsupervised learning)
1.3 Identify the areas of expertise needed to solve the problem
1.4 Build a security plan
1.5 Ensure that AI is used appropriately
1.6 Choose transparency and validation activities
2.1 Choose the way to collect data
When generating your own dataset, decide whether collection can be automated or requires user input
2.2 Assess data quality
2.3 Ensure that data are representative
2.4 Identify resource requirements (e.g., computing, time complexity)
2.5 Convert data into suitable formats (e.g., numerical, image, time series)
2.6 Select features for the AI model
2.7 Engage in feature engineering
2.8 Identify training and test data sets
2.9 Document data decisions
3.1 Consider applicability of specific algorithms
3.2 Train a model using the selected algorithm
3.4 Tell data stories
3.5 Evaluate model performance (e.g., accuracy, precision)
3.6 Look for potential sources of bias in the algorithm
3.7 Evaluate model sensitivity
3.8 Confirm adherence to regulatory requirements, if any
3.9 Obtain stakeholder approval
4.1 Train customers on how to use product and what to expect from it
4.2 Plan to address potential challenges of models in production
4.3 Design a production pipeline, including application integration
4.4 Support the AI solution
5.1 Engage in oversight
5.2 Assess business impact (key performance indicators)
5.3 Measure impacts on individuals and communities
5.4 Handle feedback from users
5.5 Consider improvement or decommission on a regular basis
Candidates for this exam are seeking to prove core HTML5 client application development skills. This exam focuses on using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript ES6 to develop client applications.
Candidates should have at least 150 hours of instruction or hands-on experience with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript ES6 and be familiar with the foundational concepts of those technologies.
To be successful on the test, the candidate is also expected to have the following prerequisite knowledge and skills:
Ability to use HTML markup to structure a document.
Ability to use CSS to format a document.
Ability to create a website that incorporates JavaScript
Ability to deploy web pages on a server
Note: It is recommended that candidates obtain the INF-301: HTML and CSS and the
INF-302: JavaScript certifications before pursuing this certification.
1.1 Describe the application lifecycle management stages
1.2 Debug and test web apps
2.1 Use the canvas element to create graphics and animations
2.2 Use the svg element to create and display graphics
2.3 Transform, style, and enhance text and graphics
2.4 Apply CSS filters to images
3.1 Construct and analyze markup that uses form elements
3.2 Configure input validation
4.1 Manage content layout, positioning, and flow by using CSS
4.2 Construct layouts by using responsive design
4.3 Construct flexible responsive layouts by using CSS flexbox
4.4 Construct grid-based layouts by using CSS grid
5.1 Create and use custom classes
5.2 Perform data access by using JavaScript
5.3 Construct code that responds to events by using event listeners and handlers
5.4 Construct code that uses JavaScript APIs
5.5 Manage the state of an application